Home > JSDice Game

JSDice Game

Start The Game

Unlike my JSLines game, this game is entirely original. The game is targetted at young children (say 4-6), but adults have been known to compete ruthlessly too.

The game is tested in Firefox and IE and should work other modern browsers too. There may be problems with the sound effects. The sound relies on flash so you'll need the flash plugin installed and enabled. The games is still playable without sound - but it's a bit harder.

Game Play

This game combines simple arithmetic (addition, counting) or pattern recognition with speed of reactions.

When you click the 'New Game' button you will see images of two dice. Simply key in the total number of dots shown - there is no need to press enter. If you key the correct number, you will score 50 points. You will get an additional bonus of 0-50 points depending on how fast you enter the number. If you enter an incorrect answer you score no points. A game consists of 10 'rolls' giving a theoretical maximum score of 1000 points.

High Score Board

The high score board in this game works a little differently than others you may be used to. It shows a maximum of 10 scores but it tries to keep as many names on the board as possible, so that each family member's personal best score is visible. In practice this means that even if you get the 10 best scores they will not all be shown if it would mean removing another player's score from the board completely.

The high scores are stored in a 'cookie' in you browser - so it will only track the scores of people who play using your computer.


You can download the game from here. It will be a lot more responsive if played from your hard drive rather than downloading the images and sound files across the net. (Note: sound effects might not work when played from your hard drive).

You'll need a program to 'unzip' the game files - I recommend ZipGenius (it's free). Then just double-click the 'game.html' file to launch the game.